The movie "Chronically Unfeasible" shows excerpts of the lives of six different characters, thereby discussing the difficulties involved in surviving, both mentally and physically, in the chaotic Brazilian society - assuming that this is a problem that troubles everyone regardless of their stance or social position.

These situations revolve around a restaurant in São Paulo, owned by Luis (Cecil Thiré). He is a refined, good-mannered man in his fifties who manages to be simultaneously ironic and poignant. Alfredo (Umberto Magnani) is a writer engaged in a strange journey around the country and attempts to understand, through a bitter view of reality, the problems of social oppression and domination. Adam (Dan Stulbach) - just arriving from the southern state of Paraná, is the new waiter in Luis' restaurant and stands out among the other employees because of his European ancestry, evident in his physical appearance and level of instruction, as well as in his tendency for insurgency. Maria Alice (Betty Goffman) comes from Rio de Janeiro's upper middle-class and is always trying to keep a minimum amount of humanity when dealing with people from the lower classes. She is married to Carlos (Daniel Dantas), a man who has a pragmatic view of life and believes in rationality as a way of taking personal advantage of the country's social instability. Amanda (Dira Paes), the restaurant's manager, is a captivating woman with an obscure past, hidden behind the many tales she tells her friends and sophisticated customers.