BIG Festival

Design and production of the first independent game festival  in Latin America, the BIG Festival. The BIG Festival (Brazil’s Independent Games Festival) is the biggest festival of independent games in Latin America. In its last edition, the festival received hundreds… Continue Reading →

Tito and the Birds

Tito and the Birds was one of the 25 animated features pre-selected for the Oscar, it was nominated for an Annie of Independent Animated Feature and has won awards in Havana, Chicago, Seattle, Anima Mundi, Sitges, Lisbon, Morocco, among others…. Continue Reading →

BIG Music Day

Producer of Dia da Música (Music Day), Brazilian version of the biggest music event in the world. Around June 21st of each year, more than 700 cities in more than 100 countries simultaneously host the Fête de la Musique, which celebrates… Continue Reading →

End of the Line (2008), by Gustavo Steinberg

Production, Co-screenwriting and Direction by Gustavo Steinberg 35mm, Fiction, 76 Minutes “An absurdist comment on political corruption, class conflict andhumanity’s animal-like avarice” Jay Weissber, Variety Festivals: Official Selection 37th Rotterdam Film Festival, Jerusalem Festival, Warsow Festival, Calcuta Festival, Febio Film Festival (Czech… Continue Reading →

1.99 (2003), by Marcelo Masagão

Writing and Executive Production by Gustavo Steinberg 35mm, Fiction, 70 Minutes “1.99 is a kind of ‘The Exterminating Angel’ of the globalization and neo-liberalism. … In a time where we consume the war from our couches, with pizza and Coca Cola on our laps,… Continue Reading →

What is it Worth? (2005), by Sergio Bianchi

Co-executive production by Gustavo Steinberg 35mm, fiction, 110 minutess “Bianchi mercilessly exposes the consumerism that is despoiling his country, weaving a fictional tale of false charity, media manipulation and gang violence.” Arial Dorfman, The Guardian Official selection New York Film Festival, Vancouver Film… Continue Reading →

The Prisoner of the Iron Bars (2003), by Paulo Sacramento

Executive Production and Direction,by Gustavo Steinberg 35mm, Documentary, 123 Minutes   “Sao Paulo’s infamous House of Detention, the subject of “Prisoner of the Iron Bars (Self-Portraits)” is the same as the one that figures in Hector Babenco’s “Carandiru.”. Possibly even more hard-hitting… Continue Reading →

A Little More A Little Less (2001)

35mm, documentary/fiction, 20 minutes “Two short films in special deserve double attention [in the Brasilia Festival], A Little More, a Little Less, by Marcelo Masagão and Gustavo Steinberg, and Palace II, by Fernando Meirelles. Opposite in almost every respect, both films nevertheless found… Continue Reading →

Chronically Unfeasible, by Sergio Bianchi

Writing and executive production by  Gustavo Steinberg 35mm, fiction, 101 minutes “Judging by its audience, the arguments it is raising and its attractive reviews, “Chronically Unfeasible” has already proven its cultural relevance. In some of the movie sessions, people applaud it openly. “Sérgio Bianchi has… Continue Reading →

A Grande Ideia Brasil

This interactive show that allows viewers to create short films using images and sounds from the  Getty Images archive. Co-production of TV and Internet program A Grande Ideia Brasil, in partnership with Canal Brasil and Getty Images, to be shown on Canal… Continue Reading →

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